
Cultural Platform Kvarken

Bringing people closer through cultural collaboration.
Cultural Platform Kvarken

Budget: The total budget of this project is 40,000 EUR, whereof 26,000 EUR is EU-funding via the Interreg Aurora programme. 
Project partners: Kvarken Council EGTC (main partner, sole beneficiary).
Financiers: Interreg Aurora, Kvarken Council EGTC, and Regional Council of Lapland.
Timetable: 1.4.2024–31.12.2024.

About the project

The goal for this feasibility study is to investigate whether it is possible to establish a cooperation structure that facilitates continuous cultural cooperation in the Kvarken region and brings together stakeholders, consumers, companies, and policymakers across borders, for example in the form of an event platform. If the need to develop a common structure for cross-border cultural cooperation in the Kvarken region is confirmed, the intention is to draft an application for a larger implementation project.


Contact persons

Fredrik Furu

Fredrik Furu

Event Coordinator, Föreningen Norden Västerbotten +358 50 585 8975