
E12 Atlantica Transport

Collaboration model of the future – The E12 Atlantica Transport project strives to create a mutual vision and tools for cross-border cooperation.
E12 Atlantica Transport

Project timetable
Januari 2016 – maj 2018

Budget Finland / Sweden:
2 197 500 EUR

1 318 500 EUR (60 % of 
budget Finland / Sweden)  

Budget Norway:
381 691 EUR

IR-support: 190 846 EUR  

Total project budget: 2 579 191 EUR 

Kvarken Council (leadpart, FI), MidtSkandia (NO), Blå Vägen (SE) Region Västerbotten (SE), Regional Council of Ostrobothnia (FI), Nordland fylkeskommune (NO) Vaasa Regional Development Company VASEK (FI), Umeå Municipality (SE), Vännäs Municipality (SE), Vindeln Municipality (SE), Lycksele Municipality (SE), Storuman Municipality (SE), Infrastruktur i Umeå AB INAB (SE), Rana Utviklingsselskap AS (NO), Rana Municipality (NO), Polarsirkelen Lufthavnutvikling (NO), Port of Mo i Rana (NO), Mo Industripark AS (NO), Alastahaug havnevesen KF (NO), Helgeland Havn IKS (NO)

Lastbil i motljus
About the project

Tools for cross-border cooperation

For years, the Kvarken Council, MidtSkandia and the Blue Highway have worked together to increase cross-border understanding and collaboration along the E12 route. The most important achievements of this cooperation are obtaining TENT-T comprehensive status for the E12, as well as the port of Umeå, and several important transport inf rastructure investments. The project E12 Atlantica Transport aims at further strengthening this Nordic cooperation, by creating tools for future collaboration in the fields of transport and inf rastructure.The project creates a joint vision and strategic goals, along with the guidelines for how to carry out these in practice. Strengthened cooperation and management structures are crucial in order to be successful when competing over the long term for the important national and international infrastructure investment funds.

A functional transport system

Efficient transportation of goods, people and data is important in creating an attractive environment for business, residents and tourists. A well-developed transport system also creates positive social effects, such as cultural exchangesand co-operation in various areas, such as education, healthcare and logistics.

A cross-border cooperation model

E12 Atlantica Transport aims at creating an evolved cross-border working model. The project is divided into three phases.

1. A joint knowledge base to create an understanding of transport demands

The project conducts a cross-border system analysis and collects cross-border statistics throughout the region. Thus, we create a better understanding of today ́s transport system and future development needs.

2. Common long-term priorities

To successfully compete for infrastructure investment funds, a long-term vision and a common priority of actions for developing the transport system are needed. The cross-border traffic strategy constitutes the map and compass of the partnership. The selected goals are evaluated by statistical indicators allowing feedback, evaluation, and input that influences development of the transport system.

3. Platform for future collaboration

The partnership has maintained a successful cooperation for some time now, thanks to different Interreg projects, among other activities. However, there is a need to create a long-term structure for cross-border collaboration that guarantees continued sustainability, thereby reducing project- and individual dependency. E12 Atlantica Transport suggests a structure for future collaboration aimed at strengthening long-term collaboration.

The partnership

The E12 Atlantica Transport project is based on cross-border cooperation between parties along the E12 route in Finland, Sweden and Norway.

12 atlantica transport
Projects pressroom

Project description
Project reports, publications and information material

Animated film

Final report
Basic info
System analysis E12 Atlantica Transport
Report Infrastructure planning E12 Atlantica Transport
Traffic strategy
The dialogue material E12 Atlantica Transport
Report Agreement on collaboration in E12 Atlantica Transport
Ongoing evolution report
Brochure with info about activities performed in E12 Atlantica Transport
E12 folder – information about the project 10/2017
Graphic instructions
Graphic instructions
Logos and instructions

News in media
2018-04-16 Storflyplass på Helgeland får full støtte fra Sverige og Finland når det nå jobbes med en felles_Rana Bladtransportplan på tvers av landegrensene.pdf
2018-04-16 Løfter fram E12 som europeisk transportkorridor
2017-04-28 E12-korridoren ska utvecklas Västerbottens-Kuriren
2017-03-14 Lyckseleföretag testar nytt transportsätt Affärsnyheter från Västerbotten
2017-03-14 Vd snubblade över tågräls – nu fraktar han hus där SVT Nyheter
2017-03-03 Europa behöver Kvarkenförbindelsen – Altinget
2016-12-22 Kvarken kan höja profilen – Vasabladet
2016-12-01 Digitalisaatio tuo läpinäkyvyyttä rahtikuljetuksiin Connecting Business
2016-12-22 Kvarken kan höja profilen – Vasabladet
2016-04-30 Til bords med naboen Rana Blad
2015-2-12 Vil ha vei, havn og ny flyplass Rana Blad ÅVS Tärnaby
2015-2-13 Ulike muligheter Rana Blad leder E12 ÅVS

Motorways of the Sea (MoS) Conference on “Northern transport routes and the position of remote areas”, 20th–22nd April 2016 UMEÅ, SWEDEN – WASA EXPRESS – VAASA, FINLAND
2016-02-26 Kvarkenprojektet i ett nytt EU-fokus VK Västerbottenskuriren
2016-04-23 Merenkurkku yhdityy arktiseen kasvuun Pohjalainen
2016-04-23 Piilossa pidetty rahoitus Pohjalainen
2016-04-23 Pohjoinen tarvitsee laivan ja väylän Pohjalainen
2016-04-23 Seminaari loi uskoa tulevaan Pohjalainen
2016-04-23 Anselmo Pohjalainen
2016-04-23 Han utforskar havens vägar, Ministeriet vill se konkurrens på sjön, Rutternas betydelse ökar, Vasabladet
2016-04-23 Pohjoinen tarvitsee laivansa ja corridorinsa, Ilkka
2016-04-22 Färjan går nu från jippo till falsarium, Västerbottens Kuriren
2016-04-21 ”Jag tror att Midway Alignment genomförs”, Västerbottens-Kuriren
2016-04-21 Midway Alignment dök upp gång på gång, Västerbottens-Kuriren
2016-04- Konferens ska gynna beslut om Vasa-färjan, Folkbladet
2016-04-21 Viktigt möte om Kvarken, Västerbottens-Kuriren
2016-04-20 Konferens kan gynna beslut om Vasa-färjan, Folkbladet
2016-04-20 Stor EU-konferens kommer till Kvarken, Vbl
2016-04-20 EU-virkamiehet saatiin taas Vaasaan, Pohjalainen
2016-02-19 EU-toppar möts i Umeå och Vasa, Västerbottens-Kuriren
International Cross-Border EU Seminar in Umeå and Vaasa, April 20th–22nd
Northern Transport Routes and Remote Regions – Wrap Up KvarkenMoS day 1, 21st April 2016, Umeå/Sweden
May the Force be with You − Developing the Kvarken’s Transport System Takes Flexibility and Persever
The Kvarken Shipping Route Matters!


Contact persons