

FAMNA is a cross-border project that aims to establish a large-scale, permanent, and efficient management system for the American mink in the most threatened parts of the Botnia-Atlantica region.

Project name
FAMNA, Management of American mink in the Botnia-Atlantica area

Svenska Jägareförbundet (Lead partner, SE), Forststyrelsen (FI)Miljödirektoratet (NO) 

Main financier
Interreg Botnia-Atlantica

Regional Council of Ostrobothnia (FI), Miljødirektoratet (NO), Svenska Jägareförbundet (SE), County Administrative Board of Västerbotten (SE), Metsähallitus (FI), Kvarken Council (FI)

Project timetable

1 052 233 EUR

More information about the project
The project’s website with material and info

About the project

A large scale and continuity are key to successful management. The three-year nature conservation project operates within the framework of the EU programme Interreg Botnia-Atlantica.

American mink (Neovision vision) is an invasive alien predator species in Europe, native to North America. Predation from mink has lead to declines and extinctions of a wide range of native bird, mammal and amphibian species in Europe, including the Bothnia-Atlantica region. The mink is one of the worst threats to the biodiversity in our rich wetlands and archipelagos.

The project’s main goal is to establish a large-scale, permanent and cost effective management system, based on the latest scientific knowledge, in those of the mink most threatened parts of the Botnia-Atlantica region, ie in archipelagos, coastal areas and rivers, including connected rich wetlands. Our new management system is low-intense, large-scale and permanent. The system is based on management efforts (permanent traps) in each biologically possible mink female home range and leads to functional extinction of the species in the managed area.

Photo: Terje Kolaas


Contact persons