Öst-västliga stråket
Priority area
Specific objective
Lead Partner
Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council, Finland
Project budget
Total EUR 3,3 M
Financing source
Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme
Project partners
Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council (FI) | Institute of Logistics and Warehousing (PL) | State of Berlin (DE) | State Regional Development Agency, Latvia / VASAB Secretariat (LV) | City of Helsinki (FI) | Riga Planning Region (LV) | Port of Hamburg Marketing Registered Association (DE) | Kaunas City Municipal Administration (LT) | Self-Government of Mazowieckie Voivodeship (PL) | Investor Center Ostbrandenburg GmbH (DE) | Techvilla Ltd / Limowa Association (FI) | City of Hämeenlinna / Growth Corridor Finland (FI) | Municipality of Kaunas District (LT) | Marshal’s Office of the Podlaskie Voivodeship (PL) | City of Tallinn (EE) | Kvarken Council (FI)
Read more about the project

The project aims to describe how the partnership’s strategic documents need to be developed, prioritized and communicated in order to create a transport system in line with the partnership’s vision and objectives.
The main goal is to create the conditions for increased exchange between the countries in the program area by enabling the region to take part in national and European investment funds for jointly prioritized measures in transport and infrastructure at regional, national and European level.
The project aims to describe how the partnership’s strategic documents need to be developed, prioritized and communicated in order to create a transport system in line with the partnership’s vision and objectives. The project will also describe a broader geographical perspective and identify key partners for future collaboration.