World Heritage Sites in Cooperation 63° N Lat.
Main financier
Botnia-Atlantica program
Project timetable
The project ended 31.8.2011
Educational material in Swedish and Finnish
Educational material for World Heritage teaching
The educational material for World Heritage education that is designed and developed in the project is being worked on continuously to meet today’s needs. The latest updated material can be downloaded from the joint web portal for the World Heritage High Coast and the Kvarken archipelago, The material is available in Swedish and Finnish.
About the project
The Kvarken Council has initiated the project ”World Heritage Sites in Cooperation 63° N Lat.”, with the purpose of continuing and deepening the cooperation with the Kvarken Archipelago site in Finland and the Höga Kusten site in Sweden. This project is funded by the EU Botnia-Atlantica programme.
The project covers two themes:
THEME 1. Information about World Heritage Values
Measure 1: A joint cross-border strategy for information dissemination, based on maintenance plans, qualitative and quantitative follow-up of visitors, and exchange of experiences concerning administrative issues.
Measure 2: Wide and solid foundation for information dissemination, adjusted to the various groups in society.
Measure 3: Providing the persons/authorities/organizations which carry out identical duties with respect to world heritage in Finland and Sweden, the opportunity to meet and exchange opinion and visit other world heritage sites in the Nordic countries.
THEME 2. Education
Measure 1. Exchange of experiences, further training. Providing tools and methods for teachers in the region.
Measure 2. Training materials. Providing cross-disciplinary training materials about the world heritage site as well as a folder, including tasks and activities which can be performed out of doors. Arousing interest and understanding for the other half of this world heritage site, to advance the cohesion of our world heritage, and ensuring the quality of extra-classroom activities which are related to world heritage.
Education material in Swedish and Finnish