04 / 02 / 2022

StoryTagging and World Storytelling Day – send us your story

In the run-up to the World Storytelling Day 2022, we invite you to share a location-based story from the Kvarken region. Write down or record your local story in February!
Kvarken Council EGTC is a partner in an international project called “StoryTagging”, where the other partners come from Scotland, Northern Ireland, Västerbotten in Sweden, and Arkangelsk in Russia. Using location-based stories, the project wants to highlight interesting places and products by using our cultural and natural heritage. There is a lot to discover in our local environment, which can be used for ideas. The corporate world has also started to realize the strength in stories, and an increasingly amount of them are starting to use stories for promoting places or products.

The “World Storytelling Day” will be held worldwide on the 20th of March. The day will look different on different places but the main theme on all the arrangements is different kinds of stories. But a lot of them are tied to a cultural and/ or natural heritage. We all carry stories although we don’t maybe think about it. Some we may have read; others have perhaps been passed down by previous generations. We also create stories ourselves with what we do.

In the run-up to the World Storytelling Day 2022, we invite you to share a location-based story from the Kvarken region. Write down a local story, event, incident, tale or equivalent that you wish to share to others. It should be a quite short story of 500 words or 3000 characters (approximately one A4 page long). You can also record your story by using for example your phone. Keep it still short, maximum 4 minutes. You can send us stories in Swedish, Finnish, English, and even in dialect. You can send in stories in February. The stories can be sent to Project leader Ann-Sofi Backgren, ann-sofi.backgren@kvarken.org


For more information:

Ann-Sofi Backgren, Project Leader, StoryTagging

+358 50 522 2642


Briefly about the project:

The Kvarken Council participates in the international “StoryTagging” project, which aims to preserve stories connected to our cultural and natural heritage. By bringing to light our stories, we wish to attract visitors to the birthplace of the stories and products. Stories from all over the Kvarken region will receive visibility. The Kvarken Council acts as project partner on the Finnish side, whereas Region Västerbottens Turism answers for activities on the Swedish side.

In the autumn, the project will target tourism entrepreneurs or tourism-related operators who want to make the most of the context that is designed to highlight their stories. Competition is nowadays hard, and getting one’s message through to the desired customer groups is difficult. Finding, formulating, and communicating one’s own unique story and angle is therefore more interesting than ever – showcasing a story that no one else has. It can be about connecting today’s activities to the place and its historic events. Or to actual historical persons, legends, or forces of nature. Or everything in between.