Apply for an allowance from the Kvarken Council for activities, events, and projects that strengthen contacts between the countries in the Kvarken region.
The Kvarken Council’s travel allowance and support for grassroots cohesion
The Kvarken Council may grant minor allowances for activities, events, and projects that strengthen contacts between the countries in the Kvarken region. We prioritise applications related to children and youth activities.
Economic support for cross-border activities is most often granted in the form of reservation and payment of the participants’ ferry trips, but other kinds of support may also be considered.
How to apply (it is not possible to apply for the allowance at the moment):
Write a short and free-form application, and remember to include the following information:
- Describe the activity and how contacts with the country of visit’s inhabitants will be established
- Date, destination, and preliminary programme
- Budget estimate
- Other funding channels and proposals on how the Kvarken Council can contribute to the trip’s funding
- Contact information
Send the application to the email address with the title “ALLOWANCE APPLICATION”. The selection of the allowance recipients is ongoing and happens year round. It is unfortunately not possible to apply for the allowance at the moment. The allowance will be revised in spring 2025, and the application period will open later on.
Allowance conditions and rules
- The allowance is nonrecurring and cannot be sought for the sustainment of operations.
- The allowance may be applied for year round.
- The allowance may be applied for in Finnish, Swedish, or English.
- In return for our funding contribution, the Kvarken Council’s logo must be included in all informational materials and the Council’s role as a co-financier of the activity, event, or project must be made clear in the materials. Examples of such materials include programme sheets, websites, invitations, press information or similar.
- The Kvarken Council’s logo for the use in information materials may be downloaded from the pressroom.