Kvarken Council is one of the project partners in the project NSB CoRe (North Sea–Baltic Connector of Regions). A regional workshop for Swedish, Finnish and Estonian stakeholders (Northern thematic area) takes place today January 18, 2017 in Helsinki on Better Connectivity with North Sea – Baltic Corridor in Helsinki, Finland. Mathias Lindström, Kvarken Council, Mårten Edberg, Region Västerbotten and Tero Voldi, The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, are representing the project partner Kvarken Council and Anna Måtts-Fransén, VASEK and Isabella Forsgren, INAB, are representing the Interreg Botnia Atlantica project E12 Atlantica Transport in the workshop. The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme financed NSB CoRe project aims to improve the sustainable accessibility of the Eastern Baltic Sea Region to freight and passenger transport. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council is the lead partner of the project. As part of the project a transnational spatial vision on regional development, logistics and mobility is being elaborated. Multiple regional workshops are organized across the corridor to discuss possibilities to improve connectivity with North Sea – Baltic TEN-T Core Network Corridor and represent perspectives of national, regional and local authorities in the project area in the spatial vision. This regional workshop in Helsinki is planned to receive input from relevant stakeholders on opportunities to connect North Sea – Baltic Core Network Corridor (CNC) with urban/regional networks in the Northern segment of NSB CoRe corridor. A precise SWOT analysis on the corridor will be elaborated that will be used in further development of spatial vision for NSB CoRe corridor development. Existing and potential bottlenecks will be mapped and issues to include in the spatial vision will be discussed
Read more about the project www.nsbcore.eu kvarken.org/projects/nsb-core
18 / 01 / 2017
NSB CoRe – Workshop on better connectivity with North Sea-Baltic Corridor
Kvarken Council is one of the project partners in the project NSB CoRe (North Sea–Baltic Connector of Regions). A regional workshop for Swedish, Finnish and Estonian stakeholders (Northern thematic area) takes place today January 18, 2017 in Helsinki on Better Connectivity with North Sea – Baltic Corridor in Helsinki, Finland.