
Nordic Battery Belt Workshop 2023/04/20-21

A very warm welcome to take part in a workshop on cross-border cooperation in the Nordic Battery Belt 2023/04/20–21.

Workshop on cross-border cooperation in the Nordic Battery Belt, April 20th–21st, Umeå

Welcome to take part in a workshop on cross-border cooperation in the Nordic Battery Belt! 

Lunch to lunch April 20th to 21st 2023, Folkets Hus Umeå (Skolgatan 59).

Battery production is emerging as a key industry in the northern Nordics. With big investments currently under way in northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland, a new battery manufacturing region – the Nordic Battery Belt – is being formed.  

The large-scale investments bring new opportunities for regional growth, but also implicates challenges that need to be handled.

Kvarken Council EGTC and MidtSkandia are currently working with a feasibility study to analyse the potential for cross-border cooperation in handling these challenges and opportunities. As a part of this study, we now invite you to give your input at a joint workshop in Umeå, Sweden.

During the workshop you will get a chance to influence the study, an opportunity to meet other people working with similar issues and lay the foundation for continued cross-border cooperation.

The aim of the workshop is to identify the interest for a new cross-border project in the Nordic Battery Belt region, which issues should be most prioritised to handle in such a project and what activities are needed to handle the identified issues.

Please register HERE already today, but on Wednesday April 12th at the latest. 

Please book your hotel room as soon as possible. We would also like to inform you about another event that is organised in Umeå the days before this workshop: www.businessarena.nu 



Thursday April 20th Folkets Hus Umeå (Skolgatan 59)  

12.00–13.00    Lunch, Äpplet
13.00–13.15     Introduction
13.15–13.45    Presentation RISE – A circular battery value chain for a sustainable electrified society
13.45–14.30       Workshop – focus
14.30–15.00     Coffee break
15.00–16.20     Workshop – definition
16.20–16.30     Summary, day 1
18.00–20.30    Dinner, Äpplet 

Friday April 21st Folkets Hus Umeå (Skolgatan 59)  

09.00–09.30    Presentation Umeå University – Regional development in the Nordic Battery Belt
09.30–10.15     Workshop – objectives
10.15–10.45     Coffee break
10.45–11.50     Workshop – activities
11.50–12.00     Summary and next step
12.00–13.00       Lunch, Äpplet