19 / 06 / 2023

Bothnian Coastal Route: Driving Sustainable Development

The knowledge and preconditions for sustainable tourism development are to be strengthened

The Bothnian Coastal Route project has placed significant attention on sustainability since the start of the project, aligning with the Interreg Aurora Programme’s objective of promoting social, ecological, and economic sustainable development. As an approved project within Interreg Aurora, we actively contribute to the advancement of sustainable development. 

Following our participation in an Interreg Aurora introduction workshop focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we have developed our own sustainability template. Our project team was assigned the task of identifying the specific SDGs that our project will contribute to. These defined goals will serve as the foundation for our project’s communication and will be prominently displayed on both our website and the Interreg Aurora website. Moreover, these goals will be integrated into our work throughout the project. 

As primary goals, we have chosen SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). These goals enable us to widely communicate our sustainability efforts and incorporate them into our work. By focusing on these goals, we aim to inspire companies to initiate and continue their own sustainability initiatives. We offer tools and external expertise to support their efforts, while also committing to climate change measures and promoting sustainable tourism in Finland and Sweden.

To ensure comprehensive planning and effective implementation of our goals, we have entrusted Bo Wikström from Visit Skellefteå and Sari Kasvi from BusinessOulu with the responsibility of organising a workshop. During this workshop, our primary and secondary goals were refined, and comprehensive strategies were developed to seamlessly integrate them throughout the project.
The plan has been approved, signifying the beginning of the implementation phase.

Sustainability remains a continuous focus within our project team, particularly in work package 2. As we progress, we will continue to keep sustainability at the forefront of our actions and decisions.

For the latest updates and information regarding our project’s specific goals and progress, please follow our website.

This Interreg Aurora financed project started January 1st, 2023. Read more here.