Bothnian Coastal Route

Coastal experiences all year round, with sustainability in focus.
Bothnian coastal route logotype
Bothnian coastal route graphic element

The Bothnian Coastal Route project, including northern Finnish and Swedish destinations, aims to increase awareness of the coastal route around the Bothnian Bay and over the Kvarken strait as an attractive travel route for both international tourists and locals.

Through the project, the Finnish and Swedish partners aim to increase the reasons for visiting the destinations along the route to discover their rich product range and create better conditions for sustainable growth. 

Photo: Fredrik Broman



The main objective of the Bothnian Coastal Route project is to make the northern Finnish and Swedish coastline a well-known destination as a unique year-round coastal route.

The ferry Aurora Botnia guarantees the environmentally friendly transport across the Kvarken strait and connects the destinations and cities to a functioning route.

Kvarkenregionen 2022



The main objective is to make the Bothnian Coastal Route, including northern Finnish and Swedish destinations, better known as an attractive travel route for visitors and locals with its outstanding nature and rich cultural heritage and provide a sound basis for growth and sustainable tourism.

The project is based upon an understanding that businesses in the tourism industry would benefit if travellers visiting one destination could see the potential in visiting more destinations within the region and thus staying longer. For this to be a reality, a wide range of products offered have to be pooled and marketed.

The aim is also to enhance cooperation between the cross-border tourism network to make future cooperation in a greater geographical context easier. Deepened cooperation is expected to result in strengthened networks and internationalization of the coastal tourism industry.


Lola Akinmade Akerstrom
Fredrik Larsson


1. Lack of awareness of the possibilities of the region along the northern Finnish and Swedish coastline.

2. A large untapped potential for the coastal route to become an attractive travel route/ destination for visitors and locals.

3. Lack of networks within the hospitality industry for cross-border cooperation and joint marketing of the area.


The project is divided into five main activities: project management, communication and three work packages (WP 1-3) presented below

WP 1 

The first part of the project is to conduct a proper inventory of the companies and attractions, and their offering along the coastline. But also, to create an understanding of the degree of sustainable development in the companies and the region.

WP 2

The knowledge and preconditions for sustainable tourism development are strengthened as well as the profitability and year-round activity of tourism in the local economy. 

WP 3

A specific marketing umbrella website will be built to improve visibility and awareness of the area and a product portfolio highlighting local culture and sustainable products.


  • BCR is known for its natural and cultural values and sustainable products
  • Greater visibility through communication and marketing around a sustainable route (market canvassing)
  • X number of Tour Operators (TOs) and Destination Marketing Companys (DMCs) have visited the area and started a production (Familiarisation trips, FAMs)
  • An increase in round trip travel and nr of guest nights
  • Capacity building by networking, enabling benchmarking, learning from one another and adopting best practises
  • An increased nr of co:s have started, or improved their work around sustainability
  • Economic growth and future sustainable development



Bothnian Coastal Route has launched a completely new web based “B2B tour planning tool”. This tool is designed to assist European tour operators in discovering and customising carefully curated tours in the region. The tool provides detailed information about local tourism services and service providers, with tours also shown on Google Maps.

As a tour operator you can get inspired by the pre-designed tours, or tailor them to your needs by filtering services and products available in the region, and save them as your favourites.

Take a look:



In the Bothnian Coastal Route planning tool you’ll find an array of curated articles from magazines, newspapers and social media platforms, each offering unique insights and stories about this picturesque coastal region.

Take a look:



Project time: 1.1.2023-31.12.2025
Budget: 2 712 677 euros
The total budget of this project is 2 712 677,00 EUR, whereof 1 763 241,00 EUR EU-funding via the Interreg Aurora programme. The rest of the funding comes from Finnish national and Swedish regional co-funding, from the Nordic Council of Ministers, and from municipal and private co-funding.

Photo: Lola Akinmade Akerstrom

Kvarken Council EGTC (lead part and coordinating beneficiary), the city of Kalajoki, Luleå Business Region AB and Luleå Municipality, the city of Oulu/ Business Oulu, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK, Visit Skellefteå AB and Visit Umeå AB

Interreg Aurora, Regional Council of Lapland, Region Västerbotten, the Kvarken Council EGTC, Umeå Municipality, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK, City of Kalajoki, Luleå Business Region AB and Luleå Municipality, City of Oulu/ BusinessOulu, Visit Skellefteå AB, City of Vaasa, Kokkola Tourism Ltd, Haparanda municipality for Haparanda/Tornio, Bothnian Arc ry, City of Pietarsaari, Piteå municipality, Kemi Tourism Ltd, NLC Ferry Ab Oy

About our Sustainable Development Goals

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Johanna Häggman

Project Manager Bothnian Coastal Route
Marianne Sjöström
+358 40 678 8375

Johanna Häggman

Communications Manager
Johanna Häggman

+358 50 309 2960

Maria Snickars Kvarkenrådet

Financial Manager
Maria Snickars

+358 50 591 9164