Wasa Future Festival 8.8: Growth and Security in the Nordic Region
Welcome to the Wasa Future Festival on 8 August 2024!
The Kvarken Council and the Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce invite you to an inspiring seminar focusing on the development of Nordic defence cooperation and economic opportunities. The new opportunities presented by NATO membership provide a basis for discussions on the growing cooperation and trade between Finland, Sweden, and Norway.
The Norwegian Ambassador will open the event with a geopolitical overview, followed by presentations on future visions, the security situation, and how today’s geopolitical landscape affects our economy. Additionally, the seminar will address how EU funding can be better utilised to support Nordic integration.
The seminar will conclude with a panel discussion on the development of transport connections and energy supply for the future. Come and listen, and participate in a discussion that shapes the future of the Nordic region!
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be part of future planning and to network with experts!
The event is aimed at the political field and decision-makers but is also open to a larger audience. You’re welcome to participate on site at Mindsquare at Wasa Innovation Center (Gerbyntie 16, 65230 Vaasa) or remotely by watching the livestream on Wasa Future Festival Youtube Channel.
The Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce organises a bus transport to Vaasa from Kristiinankaupunki and Kokkola. Read more and register HERE.
Read more about Wasa Future Festival and see the program for the whole week HERE.
The Kvarken Council EGTC and the Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce will organise Thursday’s afternoon programme: Growth and Security in the Nordic Region. The event language is English, but there will be interpretation to both Swedish and Finnish. Questions can be asked in Nordic languages and English. In addition, closed meetings related to the topic (invitation only) will be held on Thursday and Friday.
We reserve the right to make changes in the program.
Thursday, August 8th. Place: Mindsquare.
13:00 Coffee and mingle
13:15 Introduction – Sarah Väre, Growth Manager, Kvarken Council EGTC
13:20 Welcome – Rickard Carstedt, Regional Councillor of Region Västerbotten and Chairman of Kvarken Council EGTC, Anna-Kaisa Pusa, Mayor of Kurikka and Deputy Chair of the Board of Kvarken Council EGTC, and Kjell Skoglund, CEO, Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce
13:30 A Northern perspective – challenges and opportunities for collaboration in the North – Wegger Christian Strømmen, Norwegian Ambassador to Finland
13:50 Finland needs an inspiring vision for its future: a Nordic approach – Martin Paasi, Member of Parliament, Finland
14:10 Nordic and Arctic Security – convergent connectivities? – Niklas Eklund, Professor at the Department of Political Science at Umeå University
14:30 Plan B for the Nordics – Risto E.J. Penttilä, CEO, Nordic West Office
14:50 Nordic Connector – how to finance a fixed link over Kvarken – Kim Wikström, Professor, Laboratory of Industrial Management, Åbo Akademi
15:10 Panel discussion – What challenges and opportunities does the new geopolitical situation create in the Nordics and the Arctic region? How about our NATO membership? What does politics and the business sector need to act on now? Wegger Christian Strømmen, Martin Paasi, Niklas Eklund, Risto E.J. Penttilä, Kim Wikström
15:40 Reflections and conclusion – Tua Takasu, Project Manager, Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce
16:15 Nordic Defence Industry (invitation only), Mindsquare
16:15–17:30 The Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce arranges part 2 of the seminar with the theme Shaping tomorrow in the Nordic countries. Place: Right Wing. Speakers: Malin Påhls Hansson and Anna Hellerstedt. Panel discussion: This is how we create career opportunities in the Nordics. Students and organisations will also participate in the program. Moderator Anna Bertills. Read more HERE.
18:00 Dinner
Friday, 9 August
9:00 Nordic Connector (invitation only), Right Wing