
Midway Alignment of the Bothnian Corridor

The project aims to upgrade the transport connection across the Kvarken strait so that it fulfills national and international requirements for an environmentally friendly and economically sustainable transport system with increased multimodality and higher transport security.
Midway Alignment of the Bothnian Corridor

Project partners
The Municipality of Umeå and The City of Vaasa, Project Coordinators | KoVaLogin | Port of Umeå Port of Vaasa – Kvarken Ports | The Kvarken Council | NLC Ferry AB Oy | Regional Council of Västerbotten | Regional Council of Ostrobothnia | The Swedish Maritime Administration | Wärtsilä | SSAB | Komatsu Forest Ab | ABB | DNV GL | Merinova technology center | Volvo Trucks, Umeå | SCA Transforest

Företagarna (Swedish Federation of Business Owners) Region Västerbotten | Västerbotten Chamber of Commerce | Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce | The Ostrobothnian Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment | Vaasa Region Development Company | The Board of the Council of Ostrobothnia | The Mayors of the Municipalities of the Vaasa Region | The Regional Organisation of Enterprises in Coastal Ostrobothnia | Centre of Expertise Programme (OSKE) – Maritime Cluster, Western Finland | Nordland Fylke, Norway | MidtSkandia | CERUMUmeå University | Vaasa Consortium of Higher Education | Gold of Lapland | Visit Hemavan Tärnaby AB | Visit Umeå AB | Real Rail AB | Green Cargo | Hector Rail | Tourism Board of Västerbotten | Freja Transport and Logistics | Schenker Oy | Oy Aha Logistics Ltd | Blå Vägen | Gasum | Oy Backman-Trummer Ab | Ab Wasa Logistics ltd Oy | The Swedish Transport Agency | The Swedish Transport Administration

Project website

kvarken turist kikare
Summary of the project

For an environmentally friendly and economically beneficial transport system across the Kvarken strait.

The TEN-T project Midway Alignment of the Bothnian Corridor – Kvarken Multimodal Link is a cooperation project between public and private stakeholders on both sides of the Kvarken.The project was granted EU funding for Phase 1 with the purpose of upgrading the Kvarken connection. The project’s primary purpose is to upgrade the transport route across the Kvarken strait between Finland and Sweden so that it fulfills international requirements for an environmentally friendly and economically beneficial transport system with a high level of multimodality and operational reliability. The project encompasses a transport system for both freight and passengers.

The goal is to develop a new ferry specially tailored for the Kvarken region, to optimize the ports and the whole regional logistic system and render them more environmentally friendly, to strengthen the region’s competitiveness, and to secure year-round passenger and freight traffic across the Kvarken in the long run. 

The project is owned by the city of Vaasa in Finland and the municipality of Umeå in Sweden. The Kvarken Council functions as the project leader. 

Midway Alignment of the Bothnian Corridor is funded by municipal, regional, and national financiers in Finland and Sweden, private businesses, and the European Union via the TEN-T programme. 

The upgrade of the transport connection aims to:

– CONNECT the North to other parts of Europe in an east-west direction
– CONTRIBUTE to greater cohesion and regional growth
– COMPLEMENT the Scandinavian–Mediterranean Corridor
– DEVELOP and promote innovative solutions (technical, operational, environmental and safety related)
– DESIGN and build a new, environmentally friendly ferry for Kvarken traffic
– IMPROVE port operations and cross-border logistic systems (environmentally and economically)
– SECURE long-term operational stability

Project phases 2012 − 2018

PHASE 1: 2012 – 2015
– Preparatory activities and feasibility studies
– Concept development (improving the transport link and land/port
– Design of  the new ferry (incl. use of environmentally friendly alternative fuels and sufficient icebreaking capacity)
– Budget: 20.7 M EUR

PHASE 2: 2016 – 2018
– Building of the ferry and the landbased infrastructure
– Construction (incl. alternative fuels transportation and storage)
– Implementation of the logistics system and operations
– Reporting of results

midway alignment karta
Midway alignment logo
Projects pressroom

Project description
Reports, publications and information material
Midway alignment fact sheet
Project website
More about the construction of the ferry

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