14 / 11 / 2023

FAIR 2 – Demand study for regional sustainable aviation

The Kvarken Council EGTC is searching for a consultant for an assignment that includes conducting a study that maps the demand for regional air transport. The survey will target residents, businesses, and public organizations in the study area.

The assignment includes conducting a study that maps the demand for regional air transport. The study aims to increase the understanding of the demand for regional flights and the attitudes towards emission-free flight alternatives. The survey will target residents, businesses, and public organizations in the study area and provide a basis for:

  • What demand for local and regional air transportation exist already today.
  • How demand may change with the introduction of sustainable aviation technology.
  • How travel patterns and demand may vary with factors such as gender, age and socioeconomics.

The survey shall include the following parts:

  1. Mapping of existing travel patterns.
    Within this part, existing travel patterns of the region’s inhabitants shall be mapped by analyzing data, such as for example GPS or cell phone data in combination with other available statistics. (Data is not provided by the client.) The analysis shall provide a description of how people move within the region at present, between which destinations and to which extent. The analysis should not be limited to air travel but should provide a view of all regional travel given the currently available modes of transport.
  2. Questionnaire survey.
    To investigate the demand among the region’s inhabitants, a survey with a simple random sample should be conducted. The survey should examine respondents’ demand for regional and cross-border travel today and in the future – where they travel, how often and why. A challenge will be to identify potential demand, i.e., how would respondents’ demand change given the availability of sustainable regional air transport? Which destinations would they be most interested in traveling to with this type of transport? What is their attitude towards the technology itself? How would their demand for regional and cross-border travel be affected if it became a) cheaper, b) more sustainable, or c) faster? How would demand be affected by times and frequencies of travel opportunities? These are examples of questions that may be relevant, but the client wants suggestions from the supplier on relevant questions. Questionnaires are to be prepared by the supplier and agreed with the client before the questionnaire is sent out. To achieve a high response rate and better quality of responses, it is important to package the survey in an educational and communicative way.
  3. Interviews.
    Companies and public organizations’ need for travel, passenger transport, freight transport and other related needs that can be solved with sustainable aviation technology will be analyzed through in-depth interviews. Interviews will be conducted with 20 actors from both the private and public sectors. The selection of actors should reflect the region and should consist of both Swedish and Finnish organizations and companies. Among the companies, the selection also needs to reflect the region’s business composition, such as companies in the emerging green industry, the established industry, service sector and tourism. The selection is designed in consultation between the client and the supplier. The interviews should focus on the actors’ need for air transport today and their assessment of how their propensity to use air transport would be affected if air transport became a) cheaper, b) more sustainable, or c) faster. How would demand be affected by times and frequencies of travel opportunities? The questionnaire for the interviews is prepared by the supplier and agreed with the client before the interviews are conducted.

The results shall be presented in the following ways:

  • In a report. The client provides a report template. The report must be written in English and contain a description of the methodology, results, and analysis as well as a summary of the most important conclusions. The conclusions will be used as a basis for decisions on which measures, and business models the region’s actors should move forward with to enable the introduction of sustainable aviation technology.
  • The client will then provide feedback with comments.
  • A PowerPoint summarizing the study with focus on results and conclusions.
  • A verbal presentation of the results at the end of the assignment. Tenderers should expect the presentation to take place in the form of a physical meeting in Vaasa, Finland in June 2024. Travel and accommodation costs should be included in the price offered.

In addition to the above, tenderers should also expect the following:

  • Participation in a physical kick-off meeting in Umeå, Sweden in February 2024. Travel and accommodation costs shall be included in the price offered.
  • Six online work meetings with the client during the assignment.
  • Two online work meetings with the project’s communications officer in order to gather information about the assignment that can be published on the client’s website and in social media.

Read more HERE.